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Accommodation in Gura Humorului 2 stars

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Rural accommodation at  Pensiunea Rustica
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Campulung Moldovenesc (Suceava)

Hostel located on the road to Devil's Mill foot and Rarau.
(Translated with Google Translate)
  • Traveler rating: (reviews: 3)  
  • Structure: Guest House
  • Accommodation: Bedrooms - 18 beds
  • Services: Restaurant, Internet, Barbecue in the yard, Pets allowed, Terrace, Place for tents/camper



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Rural accommodation at  Pensiunea Casa Rai
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Frasin (Suceava)

One of the most beautiful hostel in the region, perfect for those who want comfort and privacy in a small guest house in the forest.
  • Structure: Guest House
  • Accommodation: Bedrooms - 8 beds
  • Services: Barbecue in the yard, Place for tents/camper



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Rural accommodation at  Vila Weber
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Gura Humorului (Suceava)

Whether you are passing through or want to relax in an environment where nature offers unforgettable views, Villa Weber offers exceptional accommodation conditions.
(Translated with Google Translate)
  • Traveler rating: (reviews: 2)  
  • Structure: Guest House
  • Accommodation: Entire facilities - 5 beds
  • Services: Internet, Barbecue in the yard, Terrace



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Accommodation in Gura Humorului 2 stars