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Accommodation in Motilor Country More than 30 beds

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Rural accommodation at  Cabana Dan
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Arieseni (Alba)

Dan Chalet has all the necessary facilities for spending the holidays, ensuring the much desired relaxation in a pleasant and friendly environment.
(Translated with Google Translate)
  • Structure: Guest House
  • Accommodation: Bedrooms - 36 beds
  • Services: Ciubar, Internet, Barbecue in the yard, Terrace



Vezi aici telefonul
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Multe pensiuni si structuri agroturistice ofera reduceri si cadouri utilizatorilor
+4.0747331866 +4.0762275184

Complex Turcana was removed from favorites Cancel

Rural accommodation at  Complex Turcana
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Sugag (Alba)

Complex Turcana offers its accommodation units equipped for the most demanding tastes, where every stay will be a pleasant memory
(Translated with Google Translate)
  • Structure: Guest House, Cottage
  • Accommodation: Bedrooms, Entire facilities - 45 beds
  • Services: Restaurant, Internet, Barbecue in the yard, Pets allowed, Credit cards welcome, Teambuilding activities, Playground for children, Terrace



Vezi aici telefonul
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Multe pensiuni si structuri agroturistice ofera reduceri si cadouri utilizatorilor
+4.0770507205 +4.0770896238 +4.0742458008

Accommodation in Motilor Country More than 30 beds