The Acoperamantul Maicii Domnului Monastery , located in Gheorghiteni village (Dorna Arini locality, Suceava county) is a monastic settlement of nuns, which adorns the Bucovina lands, through its architecture that seems to reach the sky and through the prayers of the needy.
The C?limani Mountains, part of the Eastern Carpathians are the highest volcanic mountains in Romania. Their last eruption took place in the recent past, speaking in terms of geological time, ie 1.8 million years ago, but the reduction of volcanic activity began about 5 million years ago. The highest peak of the C?limani Mountains is 2100 meters, Pietrosul C?limanilor Peak.
The Giumal?u Mountains represent the western part of the Rar?u-Giumal?u massif, a mountainous group of the Moldo-Transylvanian Carpathians, belonging to the mountain range of the Eastern Carpathians.
Pietrosu Bistri?ei
The Rar?u - Giumal?u Mountains are a tourist area of great importance within the Eastern Carpathians, consisting of two closely related massifs whose importance for tourism derives from the following aspects: -variety of natural landscapes imposed by relief and vegetation; -accessibility determined by the presence of the valley corridors that frame the two mountain massifs.
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- Nature Reserves
- Museums and galleries
- Churches and monasteries
- Skiing (downhill)