Karst area of rare - which is important both primary objective "Lady Rocks" and other targets less known, such as sinkholes beneath the top Rarau and the Todirescu, Bat Cave, sectors keys Valley House (Mill Devil) and the White Spring (Stone Buhei), abrupt collapse of the Popchilor rare.
CACICA FROM SALINA - unique on a national scale through the chapel "Saint Barbara" (built in 1904 to 27m deep) dug in massive block of salt. Here we find the little lake brine, at -38m and -44m hall festivities. Salina starts to become attraction because existing salt deposit, discovering here and archaeological remains from the Neolithic age with the same meaning multimillenary exploitation of salt on an industrial scale.
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Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
- Theme Parks and Water Parks
- Nature Reserves
- Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
- Skiing (downhill)