Baile Felix
Felix spa provides a relaxing vacation, rest and recovery. There are many pension in Baile Felix, who have a rich base treatment, thermal baths, swimming pools (Apollo).
Nymphaea lotus (lily thermal) is the only case in which a spontaneous live tropical plant species in a temperate climate in the Natural Reserve "Petya Brook" Baile 1 Mai resort located about 3 km from Baile Felix. White water lily can be seen Felix spa is one of the beauties of the area.
Besides lilies, which were brought in Baile 1 Mai, artificial lakes thermal Felix there are several species of Lotus. These species were acclimated lotus, being brought from:
India and Pakistan - Nelurnuncifera,
Africa - Nymphea zanzibarena,
Asia and Africa - Aeibornia crasepis.
In artificial lakes resort, besides the above there are plants and many species of fish with different colors and sizes.
(Translated with Google Translate)
- Spa
- Churches and monasteries
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Mountain bike