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Pensiunea Laura - accommodation in Baile Felix

Baile Felix (Bihor) - Crisana

Total reviews: 9 (Rating  4 of 5 )
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Pensiunea Laura - accommodation in  Baile Felix (Surrounding)

Pensiunea Laura - accommodation in  Baile Felix (Surrounding)

Baile Felix

Felix spa provides a relaxing vacation, rest and recovery. There are many pension in Baile Felix, who have a rich base treatment, thermal baths, swimming pools (Apollo).

Nymphaea lotus (lily thermal) is the only case in which a spontaneous live tropical plant species in a temperate climate in the Natural Reserve "Petya Brook" Baile 1 Mai resort located about 3 km from Baile Felix. White water lily can be seen Felix spa is one of the beauties of the area.
Besides lilies, which were brought in Baile 1 Mai, artificial lakes thermal Felix there are several species of Lotus. These species were acclimated lotus, being brought from:
India and Pakistan - Nelurnuncifera,
Africa - Nymphea zanzibarena,
Asia and Africa - Aeibornia crasepis.

In artificial lakes resort, besides the above there are plants and many species of fish with different colors and sizes.

(Translated with Google Translate)


Attractions and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Theme Parks and Water Parks
  • Nature Reserves
  • Spa
  • Churches and monasteries
Sport and activities in the surrounding area:
  • Horse riding
  • Shopping