Visit Dobrogea!
Start with Tomis (sec.4 AD), located inconstant. Here you can visit Casino (1907), Genoese Lighthouse (8m, 1300), Old Lighthouse (1860), Roman Building with Mosaic, Roman wall, Statue of Ovid, Aquarium, Dolphinarium, the Orthodox Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Tomis (1883) History Museum, Navy Museum, Sea Museum, Tomis port, and many other attractions. InConstantacircula decker bus to tour the main attractions and resort Mamaia.Nu stop there! 10km from Corbu, a chance to see for yourself the oldest settlements in Romania, Histria, founded 2600 years ago by Greek sailors and merchants. It is located on Lake Sinoe, in the northern part of peninsuleiIstria.Daca go southwest, you can reach the archaeological complex of Adamclisi. This was discovered in the twentieth century monument Tropaeum Emperor Trajan Trajan and the city remains the same nume.O another city founded by Greek merchants and explorers can visit if you get in Mangalia. This was built 2500 years ago Callatis thrive to promote commercial exchange between Greeks and Getae.
Discover the mysteries and attractions of Constanta county!
(Translated with Google Translate)
- Local cuisine
- Nature Reserves
- Museums and galleries
- Artistic and historical sites
- Churches and monasteries
- Fishing
- Shopping