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Pensiunea Pietricica - accommodation in Piatra Craiului

Dambovicioara (Arges) - Muntenia

Total reviews: 2 (Rating  5 of 5 )
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Pietricica Pension is located in the southern part of Stone Mountain Craiului - Stone Craiului National Park, in an isolated and wild, at an altitude of 1206 m, at the junction with Valley Bear Valley Muierii

(Translated by Google Translate)


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Structure and accommodation

Type: Guest House
Setting: Mountain
Accommodation: Entire facility
Type of accommodation:
  • Room only
beds: 13
Closed: Always Open
  • Pets allowed
  • Playground for children
  • Internet
  • Barbecue in the yard
  • Terrace
  • Place for tents/camper


-13 places to stay in 5 bedrooms heated with the help of the wood-fired thermal power plant;

- kitchen with crockery, refrigerator, stove and running water;

-dining room (living room) with functional fireplace;

- permanent electricity supply from photovoltaic solar panels, with 220V inverter. As a reserve, there is also a gasoline generator (220V/3KW);

-Smart TV with Amazon fire stick, Wi-Fi and mobile phone signal: Vodafone, Digi.

- bathroom with WC and shower - permanent hot water from the wood-burning boiler.

(Translated with Google Translate)

How to reach us

How to reach us:

Address: Parcul National Piatra Craiului, zona Brusturet - Dambovicioara, Arges

GPS Coordinates: Lat. 45.46831753 Lon. 25.20606994


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