Dambovicioarei Gorges - are a significant component of the largest key complex in the country (the one focused on Dambovita and its tributaries), which totals over 20 gorges, with a total length of over 30 km. The deepening of the Dambovicioara stream in the Jurassic limestones of Pietra Craiului generated a sector of gorges over 8 km long, with the appearance of a real canyon, cut in the rock stack of the limestone bridges from the terminal part of the massif. The gorges are of epigenetic origin, since the river initially deepened into less hard sedimentary formations (sandstones, conglomerates), and when it reached the level of limestones it continued its erosion, generating the respective narrow sectors of the valleys.
Piatra Craiului National Park - is located within the counties of Brasov and Arges, respectively Zarnesti, Moeciu, Rucar and Dambovicioara, including the Piatra Craiului massif and an area comprising Dambovita Gorges and Ghimbavului Gorges. Located in the Southern Carpathians, the park comprises the massif about 25 km long between Zarnesti and Rucar, being delimited by the Bran-Rucar corridor and the Dambovicioara river to the east and southeast, by the Dambovita and Tamas rivers to the east and by the Barsa river to the north. The access in massif can be done either through Plaiul Foii or through Curmatura.
(Translated with Google Translate)
- Vegetarian Menus
- Children's menu
- Local cuisine
- Nature Reserves
- Museums and galleries
- Artistic and historical sites
- Churches and monasteries
- Hiking
- Horse riding
- Skiing (downhill)
- Mountain bike