Monastery Sinca Veche
Cave monastery is situated near Sinca Veche and was rehabilitated and promoted by a local emigrated to the United States. The origin of the monastery is still unclear, leaving room for numerous interpretations. Some people say that would be of Dacian origin, others that would be of proto-Christian - because of lack altar and crucifix eccentric, but the generally accepted version is that the monastery was built around 1742, when Orthodox churches were removed by empire, which brought Roman instead - Catholic. Currently, a foundation dealing with transformation in ecumenical monastery.
Roman camp Sinca Veche
Roman camp is also located near Sinca Veche and dates from the time the Roman Emperor Tiberius, as attested by coins and pottery fragments found in archaeological site. Romanian military settlement was on the road linking the old city Cumidava (Rasnov today) with Dacia Superior.
Ohaba water mill
Other sights of interest are Ohaba water mill, used in wood processing and is still functional and folk art museum that was founded by engineer George Radocea and decorations containing objects specific to each area that he visited in Romania.
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- Artistic and historical sites
- Churches and monasteries
- Hiking
- Skiing (downhill)
- Mountain bike