-Colonia Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, the Roman metropolis of antiquity; - The Dacian Fortresses from Gradistea Orastie; -Ruine medieval fortresses Hateg, Malaiesti (Upper Salas), Rachitova, Crivadia (Baru) and Colt Fortress of Rau de Mori-Suseni (Jules Verne's Carpathian Castle); -Prislop and Colt Monasteries; -The fortress of Deva;
-The oldest medieval stone churches in Romania: Densus, Strei, Ostrovul Mare, Santamarie Orlea;
-Reservation of Zimbri Hateg;
-National Retezat National Park; -Geoparcul hateg (dwarf dinosaurs) -Dimarological park Simeria;
-The medieval streets of Hunedoara and Santamarie Orlea. - Bicycle trails - Mountain trails and walks in the area on rarely-seen beauty trails Ski slopes in the area: - Rausor, 25 km - Parang, 55 km - Straja, 75 km On request we can arrange transport. We also provide ski monitors and tour guides to visit the area, including mountain trails in the Retezat Mountains.
(Translated with Google Translate)
- Theme Parks and Water Parks
- Nature Reserves
- Museums and galleries
- Churches and monasteries