Do not recommend the restaurant!
They literally brought us raw chicken meat and after complaining about this they came with partially the same raw meat and burnt grilled vegetables!
Nu recomand restaurantul!
Ne-au adus piept de pui crud in cel mai propriu sens al cuvantului iar dupa ce le-am atras atentia ca nu se poate manca asa ceva, au venit cu acelasi piept de pui, tot crud dar mai prajit putin, plus legume la gratar arse!
Comentarii scrise de: Costi
They literally brought us raw chicken meat and after complaining about this they came with partially the same raw meat and burnt grilled vegetables!
Nu recomand restaurantul!
Ne-au adus piept de pui crud in cel mai propriu sens al cuvantului iar dupa ce le-am atras atentia ca nu se poate manca asa ceva, au venit cu acelasi piept de pui, tot crud dar mai prajit putin, plus legume la gratar arse!